LIVE STREAM: Call to the Bar Ceremony


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Morrison, Richard v The Minister of Justice and the Attorney General of Jamaica

Case Number: 
Neutral Citation: 
[2021] JMSC Civ 20
Date of Delivery: 

Assessment of Damages – Extradition order made pursuant to the Extradition Act
1870 – Claimant’s Writ of Habeas corpus application dismissed by the Full Court –
Claimant filed notice of intention to appeal to the Privy Council – No such right of
appeal existing under the Extradition Act – No appeal ever filed – Minister of Justice unaware of the notice due to administrative error and Claimant extradited without it being heard – Efforts by Jamaican Government to have Claimant returned to Jamaica unsuccessful – Claimant prosecuted on charges not on the extradition order – Doctrine of Specialty – Judgment entered on admission against the 2nd Defendant in respect of negligence and breach of constitutional rights – Claimant seeking general damages, aggravated and/or exemplary damages and vindicatory damages


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