LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


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Outsourcing Managment International Inc. Limited (trading as Alliance One)

Case Number: 
Neutral Citation: 
[2024] JMSC Civ 12
Date of Delivery: 

JUDICIAL REVIEW - Part 56 CPR –Order for Certiorari - Whether the award was illegal for being ultra vires Section 12(1), 12(4) (b), 12(4B) (b) and 12(5)(c)(i) of the Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act - Whether the award breached the Claimants’ right to a fair hearing guaranteed under Section 16(2) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights & Freedoms - Whether the award was unreasonable and or irrational.







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