LIVE STREAM: Phillip Paulwell V Attorney General of Jamaica


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The Hon. Miss Justice Carole Barnaby

Martin, Clive v Commissioner of Land Valuations

Land Valuation - Sections 20 and 22 Land Valuation Act - Whether grounds of appeal prescribed by statue exist 
Land Valuation Act - Section 2 - Unimproved Value - Whether appropriate comparables used in determining unimproved value of property - Onus of proof

Revenue Appeals Division Act - Section 4 (3) - Power of RAD to consult and obtain assistance
Revenue Appeals Division Rules - Rules 7, 10, and 14 - Power of Revenue Appeal Division - To collect necessary information - Obtain and consider relevant evidence

Bucmars Incorporated Limited and Dwight Morgan v Commissioner of Customs, Trade Administrator and The Attorney General of Jamaica

Trade - Sections 2, 8, 11 and 12 of the Trade Act - Whether import licence issued by the Trade Administrator which remains unrevoked, has not been ordered invalid and is not challenged in current proceedings a valid import licence.
Customs - Sections 2 and 210 (1) of the Customs Act - Whether stolen motor vehicle imported into the island for which no import licence was granted is uncustomed goods.

N O (A child represented by the Children's Advocate v The Attorney General of Jamaica

Constitutional Redress - Sections 14 (3), 16 and 19(1) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms - Existence of parallel legal remedy - Whether claim for constitutional redress constitutes and abuse of court process
Child Care and Protection Act - Sections 65, 71, 72, 76 and 82 - Whether the making of a Correctional Order by a Judge of the Family Court is intra vires the Act

Saturn Sales Limited v Commissioner General Tax Administration Jamaica

General Consumption Tax - Section 38 General Consumption Tax Act - Section 17(I) Revenue Administration Act - Whether there was a basis for an audit of taxpayer’s returns and in raising GCT assessment - Whether assessment to additional GCT was a best judgment assessment - Whether assessment was wholly unreasonable and should be set aside.

Simmonds, Kevin v The Minister of Labour and Social Security and The Attorney General of Jamaica

Judicial Review - Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act (LRIDA)- Sections 2, 11 A (1), 12 (5) (c) - Employment terminated by reason of redundancy - Intervention of Minister of Labour and Social Security under the LRIDA sought after acceptance of redundancy package and filling of post the subject of the dispute - Whether the Minister acted ultra vires the Act in deciding not to refer the dispute to the Industrial Disputes Tribunal - Whether a Minister may properly consider the issue of waiver of the rights at sections 12 (5) (c) of the LRIDA in determining whether or not to exercise t

Bignall, Vaughn O'Neil v The General Legal Council and the Attorney General of Jamaica

Constitutional Law - Constitution of Jamaica - Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms - Sections 13 (3) (a), (c), (d), (e) and 16 (2).
The Legal Profession Act - Sections 3, 11 and 12 (7) - Legal Profession (Canons of Professional Ethics) Rules - Advertising regulations comprised in canons II (d) (ii), II(e), II (h), II (i), II (j), II(k) and II(l).



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