Can-Cara Development Ltd. v New Era Homes IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF JAMAICA CIVIL DIVISION CLAIM NO. 200711CV 02583 BETWEEN CAN-CARA DEVELOPMENT LTD AND NEW ERA HOMES Mr. C. Sarnuda instructed by Sa~nuda& Joh~isonf or Claimant Mr. S. Kinghorn instructed by Kinghorn & Kinghorn for Defendant Heard: 15'" and 24"' August, 2007 CLAIMANT DEFENDANT MANGATAL, J I . This is an application by the Claimant for the following relief:- a) That the Defendant be restrained until the arbitration hearing or trial of this
Simpson, Beverley v Anslyn Simpson IN THE SUPREME COURT 017 JUDICATUEE OF JAMAICA JW-4 f%VL IN EQUITY CLAIM NO. El29 OF 2000 BETWEEN BEVERLEY SIMPSON CLAIMANT AND ANSLYN SIMPSON DEFENDANT Property Dispute - Improvements carried out by spouse after other F party has left matrimonial home - Parties interest in a former CI matrimonial home - Mortgage capital and interest elements - Occupational rent
Russell, Maxwell v Attorney General & Corporal McDonald THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF JAMAICA CML DMSION CLAM NO. 2006 HCV 4024 BETWEEN MAXWELL RUSSELL CLAIMANT AND y - - , THE ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR JAMAICA lST DEFENDANT C: AND CORPORAL MCDONALD 2ND DEFENDANT Mr. Charles Campbell for Claimant. Miss Danielle Archer instructed by the Director of State Proceedings for the Defendants. Heard: 6th December 2007 and 18th January 2008.
Lawrence, David v Nestle-JMP Ja. Ltd JUDGMENT IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF JAMAICA IN COMMON LAW SUIT NO. C.L.019 OF 2002 BETWEEN DAVID LAWRENCE AND NESTLE- JMP JAMAICA LIMITED(incorporating CREMO LIMITED) PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT Miss Marion Rose-Green for the Plaintiff 'Claimant' and Mr. Emile Leiba instructed by Myers Fletcher & Gordon for the Defendant.
Smith, Gretel v Ingram, Marlon and Ingram, Rose Contract - Nature of agreement - Detinue - Conversion - Applicatio for accounting for profits.
Jamaican Redevelopment Foundation Inc v Capital Solutions Ltd Mortgage-Priority- Discharge of Mortgage as Opposed to purchase or acquisition- In what circumstances does the presumption arise that C! stranger paying off mortgage intends to keep mortgage alive- What amounts to evidence of contrary intention.