LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

The Hon. Miss Justice Stephany C. Orr (Ag.)

Wood, Sandy Marie v ARC Manufacturing Company Limited, Lackie Horne, Charlotte Alexander and the Attorney General of Jamaica

Application to strike out a claim - Whether summary judgment is applicable to a claim for Defamation - The Defamation Act, 2013 and the limitation period created by the Act, the court’s power to extend the limitation period under the Defamation Act ,2013 - Whether the court has authority to extend the time for an applicant to challenge the court’s jurisdiction to hear a claim, breach of the implied term of trust and confidence in a contract of employment and the jurisdiction of the court to determine claims for breach of trust and confidence and wrongful dismissal

Hamilton, Aaliyah v Hayman, Wilton

Summary judgment - Rear end collision - Admission of negligence - No admission of causation - Denial that the claimant was involved in the collision - Denial that the minor collision caused any injury or loss - Whether court should enter summary judgment.

Lawrence, Shanan v Branch Development Limited Trading as Iberostar Rosehall Beach and Spa Resort

Application challenging the jurisdiction of the court to hear the claim - Whether the failure of the Claimant to serve the prescribed notes to the Defendant and form of defence with the claim form during the life of the claim is a nullity - Whether amendments made after the expiration of the limitation period should be permitted to stand - The duty of a litigant to pursue his claim and to take all reasonable steps to secure a date for the hearing of the application - The requirement to file an application and a supporting affidavit simultaneously.

Griffiths, Avon v The Attorney General of Jamaica

Application to file defence out of time - Competing application to enter judgment in
default of defence - Power of a Transport Authority Inspector/Constable to seize a
public passenger vehicle alleged to be in breach of the Transport Authority Act.

Russell, Sabrina v Doshi, Tiziana

What is the effect of a mediation agreement; can a mediation agreement be
enforced by way of notice of application; imposition of court sanction for failure to
perform mediation settlement agreement – application to set aside mediation

Hinds, Dueling v McLean, Augustus

SUMMARY JUDGMENT - Canon V (p) of The Legal Profession (Cannons of
Professional Ethics) Rules - Whether an Attorney can rely on his own affidavit - The defendant’s duty to comply with CPR 10.5 - Whether the provisions are mandatory - CPR 26.2 and the requirement to be heard







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