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Fullwood, Winnifred v Curchar, Paulette and The Registrar of Titles et al consolidated with Re the Intestate Estates and Property Charges Act and Winnifred Fullwood

Case Number: 
SU 2020 CV 04410 and 2021 CV 00038
Neutral Citation: 
[2022] JMSC Civ. 59
Date of Delivery: 

Claim for an equitable interest – Proprietary estoppel – Promissory estoppel Claim for beneficial interest – Burden and standard of proof – Adverse possession against a party who no longer has title – Claim based on adverse possession – Whether claimant was a licensee - Whether the provisions of PROSA apply to disputed property – Proprietary/Promissory estoppel – Application for a declaration of spouse – Whether the deceased was a single man for the material period – Credibility of witnesses – Costs – The appropriate costs order to be made in respect of these matters


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