LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Anderson

Jackson,George, Jackson, Andrew v Attorney General et al

Application for Declaratory Relief; Whether jurisdiction lies;

Whether discretion should be exercised to grant declaration;

Principles applicable to decision to grant declaration; CPR Rule

8.6. Doctrine of Executive Necessity - whether applicable.

Foote, Donovan v Capital & Credit Merchant Bank Ltd & The Gleaner Co Ltd

Application to strike out statement of case pursuant

to CPR 26.3; whether statement of case discloses

grounds for bringing action; sale under powers

contained in mortgage; whether sale challengeable

in action against purported purchaser; Section 106

of the Registration of Titles Act; whether darriages

only remedy for improper exercise of powers of sale;

acts which may deprive purchaser of status as BFP.

Flickenger, Elita v Preble, David and Xtabi Resort Limited

Claim in negligence or breach of duty under Occupiers'

Liability; Claimant's husband drowned while snorkeling

off Negril Coast while guest at Xtabi Resort; whether

proper defendants sued; whether deceased was warned of

dangers; whether breach of duty on the part of

defendants or either of them; Whether deceased

accepted risk of swimming in rough seas; whether Act of

God; whether witness credible in light of previous

inconsistent statement; causation/foreseeability in Tort


Mason, Venessa v University of the West Indies

Application for injunction to prevent student being excluded from university hall of residence - Whether justiciable in court - Whether jurisdiction of University visitor exclusive - Whether jurisdiction of court concurrent with university visitor - Whether injunction mandatory or prohibitory - Whether in any event, damages would be an adequate remedy.

First Global Bank Limited v Rose, Rohan, Lewis, Anthony et al

Freezing Order - Inter partes hearing - Application to set aside Freezing

Order for Non- Disclosure - Material non-disclosure - Application to set

aside search order - extent of the privilege against self-incrimination -

whether U.K. precedents can assist Jamaican Courts.

Stewart, Hon. Gordon v Sloley, Senator Noel Sn. and Sloley, Noel Jr. et al

Application to commit for comtempt in relation to alleged breach of search order - Order directed to body corporate, its directors, servants and/or agents - Application to commit instituted against defendants in cliam as well as against body corporate and its legal advisors, attorneys-at-law - Preliminary objection that proceedings by way of notice of application for court orders in in beach of CPR 53 - That there is no claim and that existence of a claim is condition precedent to issue of search order and so search order is a nullity - That penal notice is fatally flawed as not being direc

Spencer, Kenneth v Simpson, Elaine et al

Whether claimant may mount successful challenge to validity of registered title in name of defendands - Conduct which may amount to fraud in relation to grant of registered title - Whether claimant can establish title to the said land by reason of adverse possession - Turn of the evidence necessary for the claimant to establish adverse possession and the appropriate time.








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