LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Anderson

Llandovery Investments Limited v The commissioner of Taxpayer Appeals

Revenue law - Taxpayer submitting returns and audited accounts and the tax computation showing tax due but not paying in mistaken belief that it was an approved agricultural enterprise - Revenue raises assessment based upon accounts submitted - Taxpayer reports to submit new un-audited accounts and returne - Rejected by Commissioner - Previous assessment subject of decision by Commissioner Taxyaper Audit and Assessment confirmed on appeal to Commissioner Taxpayer Appeals - Whether Commissioner wrond in law - Whether assessment valid - Whether assessment and decison in breach of Assessment p

Brooks, Desmond v Deloris Brooks

Maintenance Act, sections 6, 8, 18; Application for

maintenance of wife and major child; whether

maintenance may be ordered for major child

attending tertiary institution where no order made

before child attained majority

Blake, Donald v Edward Barnaby, Northern Cash & Carry Ltd

Motor vehicle collision; claimant must establish case on a balance of probabilities;

whether claimant has done so; common sense approach to different versions of how

accident occurred; need for strict proof of special damages; what court may accept

in proof of special damages.

Benjamin, Trevor, Henry Ford & Wilburn Palmer v Richard Nicholas & Deverton Meeks

Personal injuries; credibility of witnesses. Soft tissue injury with no

resulting PPD; Award of costs where claimant succeeds against one

set of defendants (3rd and. 4th) and other set of defendantslancillary

claimants (1" and 2"d defendants/lst and znd ancillary claimants) also

succeed against same defendsnts/~a~n' d znda nciiiary defendants.

Krygger, Peter et al v F1 Investments Inc. and Palmer, Steve et al

Part 53 of the CPR - Civil Contempt Proceedings -
Quasi-Criminal nature thereof - Standard of proof
required to establish contempt - Whether
proceedings are Interlocutory - Part 30 of CPR -
admissibility and weight of evidence if hearsay -
submission to jurisdiction by Party.








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