LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


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Judgment Search

E.g., 17.02.2025


Case Number Title Presiding Judge Date of delivery Neutral Citation
E76 of 1994 Adib Flimn, Judith Ann v Flimn, Owen The Hon. Mr. Justice Ransford Langrin 31.03.1995
B341/1994 Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Lts. v Husbands, Collin The Hon. Mr. Justice Seymour Panton 20.12.1995
B138/1991 Bennett, Alton v Pryce, Hector The Hon. Mr. Justice Bingham 03.05.1995
CL 1995/B-253 Blaise Building Society v Dwyer, Winston and others The Hon. Mr. Justice Seymour Panton 25.07.1995
B253/1995 Blaise Building Society v Dwyer, Winston, John Francis, Jeffrey Panton, Donald Panton et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Seymour Panton 13.11.1995
C.L.B. 217/1990 Blake, Christine v Richards, Leabert and Ramsay, Earl The Hon. Mr. Justice C.J. Smith 30.11.1995
C.L. 1995/C304 Chisholm & Co. Realty Ltd. v Compton, Elliott Ashley Ltd and The Money Index et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Paul Harrison 20.12.1995
E336 of 1989 Dumas, Aaron v Rodney, Winston Barrington The Hon. Mr. Justice Alvin B. Edwards 28.04.1995
215 of 1993 Edwards, Florence v Patten Wassell George The Hon. Mr. Justice Ransford Langrin 31.03.1995
C.L. 1991/E214 Ellis, Othneil v Jamaica Public Servivce Company Limited The Hon. Miss Justice Hazel Harris 10.03.1995
E218/93 Fearon, Judith v Fearon, Arthur The Hon. Mrs. Justice N. E. McIntosh, J. 05.05.1995
CLF-037 of 1991 Forbes, Lancelot v The Jamaica Public Service Company Limited and Angus, Vivian The Hon. Mr. Justice Lloyd Ellis 07.07.1995
CLF 103 of 1993 Ford, Hami v Musson Jamaica Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Seymour Panton 28.11.1995
C.L. 1993/F152 Fuller, Doris (Ad. Estate Agana Barrett, dec'd) v The Attorney General The Hon. Mr. Justice Karl Harrison (Ag) 05.07.1995
C.L.1988/G010 Garrell, Lorraine (b.n.f. and father Aston Garrell) and Garrell, Aston v Williams, Byron The Hon. Mr. Justice Karl Harrison (Ag) 05.10.1995
CLG147 of 1995 Gore, Maisie v The Attorney General and Workers Savings & Loan Bank The Hon. Mr. Justice Clarence Walker 05.10.1995
C.L. 1993/G110 Graham, Clyde v The Attorney General and Mason, Donovan The Hon. Mr. Justice Paul Harrison 31.03.1995
C.L. 1984/G033; C.L. P078/1984, C.L. P012/1988 and C.L. S027/88 Graham, Colin v St. Ann Parish Council and the Attorney General Consolidated with Parson, Carlon (an Infant) by Alice Annakie her guardian and next friend et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Ransford Langrin 10.02.1995
M. 36 of 1995 Graham, Hugh v The Customs Act The Hon. Mr. Justice Ransford Langrin 01.12.1995
C.L. GO97 of 1991 Gray, Doreen v Ivanhoe Ricketts Limited and Francis, Donovan The Hon. Mr. Justice David Pitter 23.02.1995
E 97/95 Greenwood, Delroy and Revolene v McIntyre, Archibald The Hon. Mr. Justice Karl Harrison (Ag) 30.06.1995
M38 and 56 of 1994 Jamaica Association of Local Government Offices and National Workers Union v The Attorney General The Hon. Mr. Justice Howard Cooke 14.02.1995
CLJ 822/1987 and CLJ 230/1988 Jamaica Citizens Bank Limited v Reid, Leon The Hon. Mr. Justice Maurice Reckord 16.01.1995
C.L.L. 1994 of 1986 and C.L.E. 074 of 1988 Llewelyn, Colin v Beckford Fitzroy and Green, Robert Consolidated with Evans, Diann v Beckford, Fitzroy and Green, Robert The Hon. Mr. Justice Chester Orr 08.12.1995
M 35 of 1995 Long, James v The Jamaica Racing Commission The Hon. Mr. Justice Ransford Langrin 02.11.1995
C.L. 1995/M256 McGregor, Lloyd and McGregor, Harry v Bird, Cecil The Hon. Mr. Justice Karl Harrison (Ag) 19.10.1995
C.L.M.112/1990 Morgan, Dwayne (By next friend Paula Caven) v Howell, Dennis The Hon. Mr. Justice Bingham 31.05.1995
C.L. 1991/NO1997 Nembhard, Orville and Aratram, Kenneth and Melrose Transport & Equipment Co. Ltd. The Hon. Mr. Justice Karl Harrison (Ag) 27.01.1995
M.101 of 1994 Nicholson, Cons. L. W. v Commissioner of Police and Honourable Attorney General for Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Ransford Langrin 24.11.1995
CL1991/P146 Patterson, Horrel v Econocar Rentals Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Paul Harrison 03.03.1995
M25/94, M34/94 Pickering, Keith Agustus v Jamaica Constabulary Force Orders Serial 2441, No 10 and 27 The Hon. Mr. Justice Ransford Langrin 07.04.1995
C.L. P201 of 1990 Powell, Eunice v Caribbean Products Company Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Ransford Langrin 10.03.1995
B-047 of 1991 Rattray, George v Smith Sonia and Smith, Margaret The Hon. Mr. Justice C.J. Smith 20.12.1995
E 338/1993 Robinson, Milton v Robinson, Judy Elizabeth The Hon. Mr. Justice Bingham 29.09.1995
CLS -350 OF 1985 Sales, Noel (Personal Representative Estate Edna Laing, deceased) v Dunn, Cox & Orrett; Bovell, Christopher and Norton, Ethlyn The Hon. Mr. Justice F. A. Smith 07.07.1995
CLS 306/91 Scott, Charles v Jamaica Telephone Co. Ltd., Tomlinson, Newton et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Chester Orr 06.07.1995
E 269/91 Shirley, Blondell v Shirley, Adrian The Hon. Mr. Justice Karl Harrison (Ag) 27.09.1995
CLS 027 of 1992 Stoeckert, Helga v Geddes, Paul 19.12.1995
E. 472 of 1995 Whittaker, Burchell v Chuck, Michael The Hon. Mr. Justice Karl Harrison 14.12.1995
M.106 of 1994 Williams, Carmen v Bellefield Comprehensive High School The Hon. Mr. Justice Ransford Langrin 02.11.1995
M. 054 of 1994 Williams, Noel v The Attorney General The Hon. Mr. Justice Malcolm, The Hon. Mr. Justice Bingham, The Hon. Mr. Justice Ransford Langrin 18.03.1995







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