LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


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Judgment Search

E.g., 17.02.2025


Case Number Title Presiding Judge Date of delivery Neutral Citation
C.L. 200/B-201 Banton ,Coley Verona v Marcia Coley, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 03.05.2002
C.L. B 128 OF 1998 Bruce Sylvester Owen v De Ann Tresa Bruce, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Courtney Daye 19.07.2002
C,L 2000/C164 Clarke,Tanya (Nee Tyrell) v Dr. Soe Win, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 26.08.2002
C.L. 2000/D-006 Dean,Keith v Rudolph Shaw, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Jones 03.05.2002
C.L. NO. G 088/2001 Golding ,Penny-Ann v Edgar Morrison, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 15.07.2002
C.L. 2000/ G 140 Hall-Graham, Sharon v Dervan Lumsden, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 18.07.2002
E 416 OF 1998 Hamilton,Mildred Evadney v Morton Earle Hamilton The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Anderson 12.09.2002
F.D. 1999/M201 Morrison,Salome Mary v Errol York St. Aubyn Morrison The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 20.12.2002
C.L. 1999/B065 Ballena Investments Limited v Vincent A. Chen and Ronnie Chin Loy The Hon. Mrs. Justice Zaila McCalla 18.01.2002
C.L 2001/B 051 Barnett,Courtenay- Francis Raymond v The Attorney General For Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Howard Cooke 20.05.2002
CLB 257 OF 2001 Black, Kenneth v The Right Hon. Mr. Edward Seaga The Hon. Mr. Justice Donald McIntosh 15.11.2002
C.L. B383/1998 Boothe -Albertha Gewndolyn v Stibel Green The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 18.03.2002
C.L. B 169/2000 Brown - Alton Washington v The Attorney General, etal The Hon. Mrs. Justice Marjorie Cole-Smith 30.01.2002
CL 1995/B-407 Burrell,Coleen and Cornwall Regional Hospital (Board Of Management Montego Bay Region) v Montego Bay Region etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 26.07.2002
C.L. 2001 C-247 Canjam Trading Ltd v AD & M Enterprises Ltd, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Anderson 20.11.2002
F2001/C088 Chin Elgeta Evett v Gamel Alkirk Chin The Hon. Mr. Justice Patrick Brooks 20.12.2002
C.L. M/104/2002 Churchill -Carol Lena Winston v Lloyd Barnett The Hon. Miss Justice Cresencia Brown Beckford 13.09.2002
E503/2002 Dehring Bunting & Golding Ltd v Sharon Williams, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Patrick Brooks 27.09.2002
C.L 1994/D087 Design Matrix Ltd Orville Dixon v L. Phillips The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 19.04.2002
C. L. D008/2001 Douglas, Vinnetta v Permanent Secretary Of Ministry Of Labour, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 18.07.2002
C.L. 1992/D-025 Duffus, Balteano v National Water Commission, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 01.07.2002
C.L. 1992/D-025 Duffus, Balteano v National Water Commission, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 01.07.2002
C.L. 2000/E-015 English,Leon v Kirk Clarke, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 10.05.2002
E - 505 of 2001 Equipment Maintenance Ltd The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Anderson 15.10.2002
E. 427 OF 2000 Ewen Fredrika Sonia v Errol Augustus Ewen The Hon. Mr. Justice Courtney Daye 10.05.2002
E-155OF 2000 Finsac Limited v CFC Construction Co. Ltd, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Anderson 18.06.2002
E 478 OF 2001 Forbes Emanuel Wilfred and Cowell Anthony Forbes v Millers Liquor Store (dist) L.t.d The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Anderson 18.10.2002
C.L. 2001/F062 Ford,Jacqueline v Maurice Smith The Hon. Mr. Justice Patrick Brooks 17.10.2002
C.L. F - 090/1999 Forrester,Carlton v Lorna Thompson The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Jones 03.07.2002
C.L.G. 016 OF 2001 Gordon,Devon v Keith Roy Morris, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 25.04.2002
C.L. 1996/G210 Gordon,George Lloyd v Albert Esson The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 28.08.2002
C.L. 1992/G229 Grey, Gerald v Dist. Cons. Esson and The Attorney General The Hon. Mr. Justice Patrick Brooks 11.10.2002
G 044 OF 1995 Guscott George v V.G. Scott Trucking And Tractor Ltd The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Anderson 17.05.2002
P. 187 of 2002 Haughton,Sylbern v Pearl Haughton-Cassells, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Courtney Daye 28.06.2002
C.L. H-104 OF 1994 Henry, Dorothy v Superior Plastics Ltd The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 06.06.2002
E - 283 of 2000 Hilda Ming v Donald Ming The Hon. Miss Justice Christine McDonald 20.09.2002
C.L. H 055/98 Hyde,Oswald v The Attorney General Of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Mahadev Dukharan 19.06.2002
166 OF 2002 Hylton,Charlton v Centennial Digital Jamaica Ltd The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 11.04.2002
C.L. 2000/J-027 Jackson,Josina v Andre Roache The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 09.09.2002
C.L. 1995/P-075 Jamaica Presbyterian Corporation v George Lawrence The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 01.11.2002
C.L J 096/99 James,Melverton v Cable And Wireless Jamaica Ltd, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Karl Harrison 30.04.2002
E. 379 OF 2000 Johnson Diana Ramona v Ivy Johnson The Hon. Mr. Justice Courtney Daye 25.10.2002
C.L. B395/1996 Joshua Beacon v Inspector Ford, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 07.06.2002
C.L. KO25 OF 1998 Kidd,Margaret v Shenette Arju, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 27.05.2002
C.L. 1999/K-006 Kinlock,Marlene v Port Security Corps Ltd The Hon. Mr. Justice Glen Brown 09.09.2002
C.L. 2000/L087 Laing ,Sharon v Justine Ogilvie, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Glen Brown 29.09.2002
C. L. 1992/L027 Lewis,Peter v The Attorney General Cons. Phillip Dodd The Hon. Mrs. Justice N. E. McIntosh, J. 15.11.2002
C.L.1993/L157 Lobban,Victor v Michael Amos, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Mahadev Dukharan 20.09.2002
C.L. L 047 OF 1999 Lorne,Michael v The Gleaner Company, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 07.06.2002
C.L. M185/1997 March,Carl v Alcan Jamaica Co. The Hon. Mr. Justice Mahadev Dukharan 16.07.2002
E5 112000 Mason,Merle Adassa v Delton Rigg Mason The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 04.09.2002
C.L. M 328 OF 1998 McDermott,Pansy v Garnett Lewis & AG The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Jones 03.05.2002
C.L. 1993/M-140 McGowan,Matthew v Eric Blake The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 02.08.2002
CL M215/1993 McLean,Norris v Det. Sgt. Hamilton, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Jones 29.10.2014
E 13 5 OF 2002 Morrison,Marjorie v Harold Morrison The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 03.05.2002
C.L. 1994/N-102 Needham,Lloyd v Alice Silvera & Valentino Silvera The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 18.09.2002
C.L. P191/1992 Parchment,Delroy v Supt. A. Brooks, etal The Hon. Mrs. Justice Zaila McCalla 05.06.2002
M.35 OF 2002 Patrick Genius The Hon. Mr. Justice Lensley Wolfe 31.10.2002
C.L.. 2001/P 036 Pellington,Ricardo v Cecil Bowen The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 18.07.2002
Powell,Oswald v Dennis Francis Larman The Hon. Mr. Justice Howard Cooke 18.10.2002
M. 121 OF 2002 Regina v Francis Young The Hon. Mr. Justice Patrick Brooks 11.10.2002
M 069 OF 2002 Regina v The Ministry Of Agriculture Ex Parte, DYC Fishing Ltd The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Anderson 03.07.2002
M - 9 of 2002 Regina v The Principal Of The Norman Manley Law School, Exparte Janet Mignott The Hon. Mr. Justice Courtney Daye 17.05.2002
M - 9 of 2002 Regina v The Principal Of The Norman Manley Law School, Exparte Janet Mignott The Hon. Mr. Justice Courtney Daye 17.05.2002
E 136 OF 1999 Rehdi-Carol Johnson v Robert Martin The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Jones 22.10.2002
C.L. 225 OF 1992 Richards,Lorenzo v United Car Rentals Ltd, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 22.07.2002
M121/2001 Robinson,Royburn v South East Regional Health Authority & AG The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 30.09.2002
E 205/1996 Simmons-Catherine Victoria v Madge Olivene Wright etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 27.05.2002
C.L. 1992/S-151 Smith,Fitzroy v Curtis Nelson The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 04.09.2002
C.L. S 034/2001 Smith,Neville v Dave Clarke, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 28.06.2002
C.L. S 109 OF 1999 Speedways Jamaica Ltd v Jonathan Outar The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Jones 09.04.2002
C.L. 1999/S265 Stewart,Kellando v Jarine Williams, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 09.09.2002
C.L. B-137 of 1999 The Bank Of Nova Scotia JA. Ltd v Walmar Trading Co. Ltd, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 13.12.2002
C.L. 2000 1-051 The Insurance Company Of The West Indies v Dalvester Wray The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Anderson 18.01.2002
M81 OF 2001 Universal Merchants Ltd v The Financial Secretary Of The Government Of Jamaica (Shirley Tyndale) etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Lensley Wolfe 18.03.2002
E 5 10 OF 2000 Wakefield, Barbara and Winston Wakefield v Olive Dostey The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Anderson 09.04.2002
C.L. 1996/W 239 Williams Girvan v Omotoso Uzwale The Hon. Mr. Justice Courtney Daye 22.11.2002
C.L.H 010 OF 2001 Winnifred Hunter v Michael Brown The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 26.07.2002
C.L. 1996 / W. - 240 Wisdom,Lloyd v Janet Johnson The Hon. Mr. Justice Roy Jones 11.06.2002
W126/1996 Wright,Neville v NCB JA. LTD, etal The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 05.02.2002







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